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Callow Induction

By Manitoba Baseball Hall

Callow Induction

By Manitoba Baseball Hall

Callow Induction

By By Manitoba Baseball Hall

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Callow Induction

Manitoba Baseball Hall
Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame

2024 Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame

2024 Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame
Media Release For Nov. 6, 2023
On the evening of June 15, 2024, the Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame will host its 26th induction banquet at the Access Events Centre in Morden.
Today the Hall of Fame announces that former AAGPBL player, Eleanor Callow is named among those being inducted: 
Eleanor was inducted into our Hall of Fame in 1998 as one of the Manitobans who played in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League.  Now, new research by Gary Belleville of the USA has revealed she is certainly worthy of individual induction.  She was born Eleanor Knudsen in Winnipeg in 1927 and as a teenager became a star in the Greater Winnipeg Girls' Senior Fastball League, where she played from 1943 through 1946.  Then, playing as Eleanor Callow because she had recently married, she was recruited by the All-American Girls Pro League, and from 1947 through 1954 she was one of the League's best players.  In her eight seasons she was named seven times to an all-star team. She was the League's all-time leader in home runs and triples. She played primarily for the Rockford Peaches and led them to three straight League titles, 1948-50.  The AAGPBL folded after 1954 so Callow moved to Saskatoon where she excelled in softball, hockey, golf, and bowling.  In 1974 Eleanor Litterick, who had recently married for the second time, died in Transcona from cancer at age 47.

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Callow Induction

Manitoba Baseball Hall
Manitoba Baseball Hall of Fame

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